Tuesday, January 24, 2017

I got to fly! (again)

Me and Sora Gleason on the plane to Bucaresti
So the big story of the week is we FLEW down to Bucuresti to do exchanges with the STLs (sister training leaders). That fight is literally the best flight I have ever been on. You take off, get up to cruising height, get a free yummy sandwich and  a drink, and then land. It's only like a 30-40 minutes flight. It's like all the fun things about flying without being stuck on a plane for forever.
Sora Falkenberg
Anyway the exchange was a lot of fun too! I was with Sora Falkenberg, and we had a lot of fun. We got stuck in someone's house for a  extra half hour because the key broke when Sora Falkenberg went to unlock the door when we were leaving. The lady's son had to come home from work to unlock the door to let us out. In the mean time, we had been thinking of alternate escape plans (like climbing out the window). We ate subway in the Metro station (the irony) because there were no seats in the subway. I also got to see Sora Savoie and give her a hug! :) On the way home however, we almost missed our flight because it took us a half an hour to get a taxi. Gotta love Buc!

But back in Cluj, the Elders had a lesson with Rares after English this week and it went really well! He is going to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it and about Joseph Smith's first vision! The Elders said he seems like he is really prepared :) 

Sora Gleason and me in the countryside of Cluj
We had a lesson with Teo this week and it went well. But she hasn't prayed about what we have been teaching her (like the Book of Mormon, or Joseph Smith's first vision or just the church in general). We re-committed her to do those things, and we are really hoping she will. I've thought a lot about how we teach people about our church and we tell them how we have come to know it is true, but they can never come to know if it is true or not, unless they decide to see for themselves by praying and asking for their own answer from their loving Heavenly Father. 

Other fun things: 
1. I won our game of spoons at games night (yay!)
2. Sora and I did face masks this week :) 
Our face masks!

3. I'm sick again (I guess this isn't actually a fun thing)
See those Pigs!
Pigs in the Trash

4. We saw some huge pigs digging through some trash this week!  

That's about it :) Hope you guys have a great week! 
Love you all! 

Countryside of Cluj - Where you see pigs.

 Sora Vann

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